
Ewan McGregor and Eva Green lose their minds in this sci-fi romance

Ewan McGregor and Eva Green lose their minds in this sci-fi romance

The big picture

  • Perfect sense
    celebrates humanity’s survival, adaptability and hope in the face of sensory loss during an epidemic.
  • Eva Green and Ewan McGregor deliver impeccable performances, portraying a complex and emotional love story about survival.
  • The core of
    Perfect sense
    is human connection and emphasizes the importance of love and connection even in the most terrible circumstances.

Before he received widespread recognition for Hell or high waterScottish filmmaker David Mackenzie directed Perfect sense, A thrilling science fiction romance film about a couple who find love in the midst of a raging global epidemic. Located in what is now Glasgow, Perfect sense tells the story of Susan (Eva Green), an epidemiologist, and Michael ((Ewan McGregor)a carefree cook. After a breakup, Susan meets Michael, who works next door, and falls in love with him. Meanwhile, a sudden epidemic spreads through the town, gradually robbing people of their minds. While she works on the cause and cure of the disease, Susan navigates her budding relationship with Michael, which is complicated by the symptoms of the disease.

Eva Green and Ewan McGregor give achievements worthy of praise. The exploration of the nature of human existence and the value of human life, Perfect sense remains an important but lesser-known film of the 2010s and an underrated film of the genre. Written by Kim Fupz AakesonThe story’s apocalyptic motif makes for a poignant drama that uses romance and doom as its main motifs and touches on the trauma of losing our primary senses such as smell, taste, hearing, touch and sight. Contrary to what it seems in the film, Perfect sense It’s not necessarily about loss, but rather about survival and hope.

“Perfect Sense” is not about death, but about life

When a film begins against the backdrop of a widespread epidemic, it is hard not to expect “death” as a theme. But the plot of Perfect sense quickly becomes a love story, and a complicated one at that, made even more complex by the rapid spread of the disease. As the story progresses and the relationship between Michael and Susan develops, it becomes clear that the theme of loss of senses is more metaphorical than literal. Susan and Michael discover their feelings for each other, even though they slowly lose their senses. It is almost as if the couple are in a race against time to preserve their feelings for each other as a last glimmer of hope before they lose all senses. Mackenzie shows this through minimal dialogue and maximum visual effects, using powerful imagery to portray the loss and its emotional impact, enhanced by the haunting background music of Max Richter.

In Perfect senseeach loss of sense is accompanied by an emotion associated with that sense. The loss is generally preceded by an emotional outburst of unspoken emotions, such as insatiable hunger, deep grief, and uncontrollable rage. It’s worth noting that some of the scenes in which people experience the first symptoms are quite harrowing. Just before people lose their sense of smell, for example, they have sudden outbursts of inconsolable grief resulting from the connection between memory and smell. Next comes the loss of the sense of taste, which is preceded by disturbing symptoms of animalistic hunger that ravages whatever people have at hand. We see an example of this in our protagonists when Michael loses his sense of taste and chokes down a jar of mustard while Susan desperately gnaws on a bouquet of flowers. Numbness soon follows, preceded by violent rage and brutality that unleashes widespread chaos.


“Hell or High Water” director David Mackenzie on subverting the Western genre

The filmmaker also talks about his dislike of the genre, his preparation process and how he discovered the film in the moment.

As threatening as these scenes look and feel, they are quickly followed by the core message of the film. After learning to accept the change, Michael compensates for the lack of smell and taste by using the power of visuals, focusing on the color, texture and presentation of the food. Later, when our protagonists are deprived of their senses of taste, smell and hearing, they begin to rely on their feelings, which become their only reliable sense. These moments in the film suggest hope and make the film more of an celebration of our ability as humans to adapt and live despite the death and devastation around us.

Eva Green and Ewan McGregor shine as lovers in an epidemic

Perfect sense is not without its flaws, but if there is one aspect of this sci-fi romance film that is impeccable, it is the performances of the cast, particularly McGregor and Green. The Trainspotting Star is not new to characters with emotional challenges, he played in films such as Remain And Doctor Sleepand gives the restless but carefree Michael these nuances. After her dramatic roles in films such as Cracks And wombGreen shines in her portrayal of Susan in Perfect sense. She is a heartbroken woman and a scientist who is completely dedicated to her work. She struggles with her emotions while surviving the epidemic, managing to convincingly balance the challenges and thrills of her character.

What makes McGregor and Green’s characters stand out even more is their odd chemistry, which often leaves the audience feeling like they are nothing more than an unsuitable couple. However, this oddity of their relationship also serves as a core message. At first, Michael has difficulty being emotionally intimate, but before he loses his sense of smell, he experiences a flood of emotions. Before he loses his hearing, he showers Susan with verbal abuse, causing them to briefly part ways. Although Susan and Michael seem incompatible and their relationship tends to feel forced, Their desperate attempt to hold on to each other is a constant reminder that this film is ultimately about hope and survival. Green and McGregor transform this rollercoaster of emotions into daring performances that set the pulse of the film.

Even though Green and McGregor are the real stars of the show in Perfect senseit would be unfair to deny the wonderful Connie Neilsonwho plays Jenny, Susan’s lovable older sister. Also without Ewen Bremner“James, what the film needs is a little dose of comic relief to serve as a breather between the harrowing scenes.”

Human connection is at the core of “Perfect Sense”

Eva Green and Ewan McGregor in an intense scene from Perfect Sense
Image via IFC Films.

Perfect sense is not your average doomsday or apocalyptic film with the usual thrills and scares of a biological disaster. Nor does it delve deeply into the scientific analysis of the disease. Rather, it is more suspenseful and gritty than terrifying, with sensitive and complex themes such as human existence and its meaning, the value of life, and human connection at the heart of the film. With its haunting narrative, this film is a life-affirming take on the importance of human connection and love in the most horrific of circumstances. It is not fast-paced, but it keeps you on the edge of your seat. With its brilliant character portrayals and gripping narrative, it is a film that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Perfect sense has an emotional impact and elicits increasingly positive responses. Susan and Michael’s budding romance in the midst of deep distress is a pure representation of the human ability to form connections and bonds with others in the most unexpected and unlikely situations.

The true essence of the science fiction film lies in the relationship between Susan and Michael, as they navigate romance and survival, learning to adapt to their loss of senses while clinging to the only thing they can have when everything else is gone – their feelings for each other. The film, in the end, remains true to its title and celebrates our intrinsic ability to love and bond in the perfect senseand leaves us the wisdom of Pink Floyd‘s lyrics from Echoes: “And I am you, and what I see is me. And will I take you by the hand? And lead you through the land. And help me to understand it as best I can?”

Despite the threatening and ominous nature of the story, this sci-fi romance film leaves us with the uplifting thought that our innate ability to adapt, live, love and bond can transcend the horrors of disaster. Perfect sense may not be a perfect film, but it certainly manages to convey its message about what it means to be human and to love, leaving one feeling hopeful rather than despairing.

Perfect sense can be rented from Amazon in the USA

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