
Kamala Harris closes DNC and accepts her party’s nomination in historic moment

Kamala Harris closes DNC and accepts her party’s nomination in historic moment

Kamala Harris
Her historic nomination makes Harris the first black woman and person of South Asian descent to accept the candidacy of a major party.
AFP/Robyn Beck

Vice President Kamala Harris officially accepted the Democratic Party nomination on the final evening of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. She explains the leadership style she will pursue if she makes it to the White House and alerts Americans to the dangers of a second Trump presidency.

Harris’ acceptance speech is the culmination of eight chaotic weeks in American history, which included the disastrous first presidential debate, the failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump and President Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race.

She entered the stage in front of a sea of ​​female delegates in white shirts – the color of the women’s suffrage movement that led to women being granted the right to vote in 1920.

“With this election, our nation has a precious, fleeting opportunity to leave behind the bitterness, cynicism and divisive struggles of the past,” Harris said: “An opportunity to find a new way forward. Not as members of a party or faction, but as Americans.”

The Vice President’s acceptance speech was preceded by three days of nonstop celebrations by the Democrats. From an optimistic acceptance speech by Harris’ running mate Tim Walz on the third night of the convention to an energetic victory speech featuring numerous celebrity appearances, Democrats succeeded in mobilizing their base across the country.

She began her speech by reintroducing herself to a national audience and telling the story of how her mother came to California from India alone as a teenager. and was supposed to return home to enter into an arranged marriage. Instead, Shyamala Harris – the Vice President’s mother – stayed in the USA to become a scientist.

The historic moment also served as a culmination of the Vice President’s proposed actions should she occupy the White House.including their proposed measures to combat housing affordability, inflation, and more.

Above all, she tried to make arguments on some of the issues that are often seen as political weaknesses for her program, such as immigration, the border and foreign policy.

Border security was a major point of criticism from Republicans of Harris and her campaign team. In her speech, however, she was careful to link the current situation at the border to immigration, addressing the failed bipartisan border security bill that Trump encouraged Senate Republicans to vote against.

“Well, I refuse to play politics with our security,” Harris said, promising “Bring back the bipartisan border security bill” and said you would sign it and sign it into law.

In foreign policy, she tried to find a middle way with regard to the divisive war in the Gaza Strip. She vowed to ensure that Israel would never again be confronted with “the horror caused by a terrorist organization called Hamas on October 7,” but acknowledged that “the events of the last ten months in Gaza are devastating.”

The mentions of Palestine and Gaza were among the topics that provoked the loudest outcry from the audience.

At the end of her 35-minute speech – which was significantly shorter than Trump’s hour-and-a-half speech at the RNC last month – Harris urged voters to choose optimism rather than gloom in November.

“America, let us show each other and the world who we are and what we stand for: Freedom, opportunity, compassion, dignity, fairness and endless possibilities”, she said.

Harris was the first black woman and person of South Asian descent to accept the candidacy of a major party. If elected, she will be the first female president of the United States

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