
Avelo flights at Binghamton Airport have been suspended. Will they be replaced?

Avelo flights at Binghamton Airport have been suspended. Will they be replaced?


This week, Avelo Airlines suspended service at Greater Binghamton Airport (BGM).

Avelo has offered seasonal twice-weekly direct flights from Binghamton to and from Orlando International Airport since 2022.

While the airline’s departure from Binghamton reduces the airport’s flight offerings to Delta’s direct service to Detroit, Mark Heefner, the airport’s aviation commissioner, says Avelo’s time in Binghamton has had a larger impact.

BGM did everything it could to ensure Avelo’s success at the airport, Heefner said, and the company’s planes to Florida were often near full capacity.

“We knew we had a leisure market and we wanted to prove it,” he said. “With Avelo, we were able to prove that. We were able to show that people wanted to fly from BGM – that they would fly to Florida no matter what time of year.”

Although the company has decided to cease flights to the airport, Heefner said the last two years have been successful overall for Broome Airport and that during that time they have been able to gather valuable data to present to other airlines.

Jim Olson, Avelo’s communications chief, said in July the airline would end service to Binghamton because the route was not profitable.

“Unfortunately, the BGM-MCO route has not been profitable and we do not expect it to be in any reasonable time horizon. Every route Avelo flies must be profitable or on a trend line toward that goal,” Olson said. “Before we commit to a new route, we conduct a thorough analysis of all available and relevant data. In most cases, the routes we open are successful and we continue to operate them. However, for those that are not, we must make the difficult decision to abandon them.”

How small airports like Binghamton are trying to attract airlines

It’s difficult for small airports to get airlines to commit to flights because airports like Binghamton’s aren’t used by millions of people every week. Heefner’s job includes being in constant contact with many airlines and building relationships to potentially land a deal.

In the weeks following Avelo’s announcement, Heefner said he spoke with four airlines that operate specifically in the leisure travel market. The industry is volatile, he said, and building and maintaining those relationships is key to a successful airport.

β€œIt’s about finding the right partner who believes in the airport, its airline and its growth strategy,” said Heefner.

In January, Greater Binghamton Airport began a series of renovation projects. Work has begun to modernize the airport’s 25-year-old infrastructure and create a state-of-the-art facility for the area. Heefner believes the renovations will give airlines another reason to choose BGM as a location for their services.

Plans include a new canopy and new entrance portals, lobby upgrades, new HVAC systems and dozens of new geothermal wells. Changes to the airport also include new jetways, a new departure lounge and new restrooms.

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Using renovations at Binghamton Airport to increase passenger numbers

At some airports, renovations are partially funded by the airlines, making new airlines hesitant when considering which airports to serve. Heefner has used BGM’s renovations – the costs are not covered by the airlines – as a selling point in attracting new airlines.

The renovation costs were largely covered by federal funds, with the remainder coming from state grants and local funds in the form of airline ticket fees.

Much of the renovation work at Greater Binghamton Airport is expected to be completed by spring 2025.

Heefner believes Avelo’s time in Binghamton has been positive for the airport overall – and with renovations nearing completion, he believes the future looks bright.

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