
Actress Mindy Kaling supports Kamala Harris and tells a moving story

Actress Mindy Kaling supports Kamala Harris and tells a moving story

Actress Mindy Kaling supports Kamala Harris and tells a moving story

Mindy Kaling used this anecdote to highlight the character of Kamala Harris.

On the third night of the Democratic National Convention, actress and producer Mindy Kaling thrilled the audience with her heartfelt support for Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign.

Kaling began with a light-hearted remark: “The real reason I’m here is because I believe deep down that as a woman of color and a single mother of three, it is incredibly important to be appointed ambassador to Italy.”

Below is the actress, known for her roles in The office And The Mindy Project, told a personal story and highlighted her connection to Harris and their shared Native American heritage.

She introduced herself as “the woman who bravely outed Kamala Harris as Indian in an Instagram cooking video.” This joking remark referred to an event several years ago when Harris, then a Senator from California, visited Kaling’s home to film a cooking segment.

“She was not the vice president at the time, but my senator, and we shot a video of her coming to my house to cook dosas, a South Indian dish,” Kaling said.

Looking back on their meeting, Kaling described the immediate bond they formed, despite her initial nervousness about having a senator as a guest. “It’s not every day that a senator comes over, and I was pretty nervous, but when she arrived, we hit it off immediately,” she said.

She recalled how they felt connected by their shared love for their mothers, both of whom died of cancer. “Both of our mothers were immigrants from India who came to America and dedicated their lives to serving others,” Kaling said. Mindy Kaling’s mother was a gynecologist, while Harris’ mother was a scientist dedicated to finding a cure for cancer.

One of the most memorable moments for Kaling was when she discovered Harris’ cooking skills. “But what I remember most about the vice president is that Kamala Harris can cook,” Kaling said. She fondly recalled Harris’ thoughtfulness, especially toward Kaling’s daughter, Kit. “She was so much better than me, but she also knew my family was watching. So while she gently corrected my sloppy dosa, she complimented me every step of the way and made sure my daughter heard what a good cook I am.”

Kaling used the anecdote to highlight Harris’ character. “She didn’t want to be seen as better than anyone else. She just wanted my child to be impressed with his mother,” the actress said. “I’m sure as our next president she will bring that warmth and generosity to the White House,” she said.

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