
City of Isle of Palms hosts T-shirt design contest

City of Isle of Palms hosts T-shirt design contest

The City of Isle of Palms is hosting a t-shirt design contest to celebrate creativity and community. The City invites local artists of all ages to submit their unique designs that will appear on official Isle of Palms t-shirts.

The winning design may also be used in city advertising and other promotional and PR campaigns.

Competition details:

  • Theme: The design should capture the essence of the island, its landscapes, culture and community spirit. All media types are acceptable.
  • Eligibility: Open to all artists, both amateurs and professionals.
  • Deadline: All designs must be submitted by September 12, 2024.
  • Price: The winning design will be featured on the city’s official t-shirt and the artist will receive a prize package valued at $800. The winner will also be announced on social media, local news and in the city newsletter.

The winning design will be unveiled on October 17, 2024 at 5 p.m. at the Recreation Center during the Farmers Market (subject to change).

To participate, submit your design in digital format to Be sure to include your name, contact information, and a brief description of your design.

The city provides a free t-shirt to visitors who stay overnight on the island and fill out a form at City Hall. One shirt per family only. Additional t-shirts cost $10.

For further information about the competition, please send an email to [email protected].

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