
Latest news on negotiations at United Airlines – International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Latest news on negotiations at United Airlines – International Brotherhood of Teamsters

UAL Negotiation Update Graphic

As negotiations with United Airlines continue in Denver, the United Airlines Teamsters National Bargaining Committee is proud to announce progress on an important job security issue in this round of negotiations.

At the start of negotiations this week, the Teamsters demanded changes to Article 6 to increase short-time work protections for United Airlines Teamsters. After pressuring the company, the union proudly announced that the airline has tentatively agreed to extend the period of the Teamsters’ recall rights from six to 10 years.

“Thanks to the unity of the bargaining committee, United Airlines has tentatively agreed to one of our most important demands to date,” said Clacy Griswold, chairman of the United Airlines Teamsters National Bargaining Committee. “We still have a lot of fighting to do as negotiations continue, but this tentative agreement is a testament to the commitment and determination of our rank-and-file members.”

Safety is the Teamsters’ top priority

The Teamsters continue to demand that United Airlines take serious steps on all issues, including increased safety measures. Today, provisions in Article 12 were discussed, which covers safety procedures during field trips for aircraft maintenance technicians (AMTs). The union is fighting to ensure that at least two members are present on all field trips to ensure technician safety and prevent injuries on the job.

“As an AMT, you have a huge responsibility. We come to work every day in conditions that are dangerous to our physical health,” says Patrick Gelato, a member of the Local 19 bargaining committee. “If we get injured on the job, we can’t work. Having another technician accompany us on our field trips gives us extra security and better coverage if something happens. Safety should be a top priority on both sides, and we will fight to get the workplace protections we deserve.”

The subcommittees continued their talks with the company today, discussing Article 18 on union security and representation, Article 19 on the grievance procedure and Article 20 on the arbitration tribunal. The union intends to make progress on these issues before this round of negotiations ends.

The second round of negotiations with United Airlines will continue through Thursday, August 22. Download the Teamsters Airline Division app at to stay informed and get involved.

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