
Type 2 diabetes risk and daily meat consumption: New study

Type 2 diabetes risk and daily meat consumption: New study

A diet high in red and processed meat can pose several health risks, including an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is what doctors would tell you when they advise you to make dietary changes and exercise more to improve your overall health and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

However, a new study sheds further light on the question of what amounts of red and processed meat consumed daily can pose a significant risk for type 2 diabetes.

Cambridge researchers analyzed data from nearly 2 million patients around the world, more than 100,000 of whom had diabetes. They concluded that eating 50g or more of processed meat a day, or the equivalent of 2 slices of ham, is associated with a 15 percent risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the next 10 years.

This is not the only conclusion of the study regarding daily meat consumption. The researchers found that eating 100 g of unprocessed red meat per day was associated with a 10% higher risk of developing diabetes. The Guardian points out that this is equivalent to eating a small steak.

Poultry is widely considered safer than red and processed meat, but it also carries risks. Regular consumption of 100g of poultry meat per day results in an 8% risk of developing the disease.

The researchers analyzed different scenarios and found that the link between red/processed meat and diabetes held. However, the link between poultry and diabetes became weaker under these scenarios. More research is needed to understand the risks associated with regular consumption of poultry and diabetes.

The researchers used data from 31 study groups from the EU’s InterConnect study. Rather than summarizing the conclusions of each study, they analyzed the data from each individual patient in the study. They were able to take into account all possible factors that may have influenced the link between meat consumption and diabetes.

Professor Nick Wareham said The Guardian This innovation enabled researchers to “provide more concrete evidence of the link between consumption of different types of meat and type 2 diabetes than was previously possible.” Wareham was one of the lead authors of the study.

A wave of new research into diabetes suggests that a cure may not be far away. Some researchers have found ways to reactivate the pancreas’ insulin production, thereby curing the disease. Others are focusing on very low-calorie diets based primarily on liquid foods. There is also research into smart insulin therapies that could help type 1 diabetes patients better manage their disease.

However, neither type 2 nor type 1 diabetes is currently treatable. However, diabetes can be prevented, delayed and treated. Studies like this one can provide new clues for prevention.

Instead of eating two slices of ham every day, you may want to reduce the amount or combine the ham with poultry. The Guardian says the NHS already advises people who consume more than 90g of red meat (beef, lamb, mutton, pork, veal, game and goat) and processed meat (sausage, bacon, ham, salami, corned beef) a day to reduce their consumption to under 70g.

Another option is to replace some of this protein source with non-meat alternatives.

Behavioral changes, such as getting more exercise, can also help reduce the risk of diabetes. Burning calories would reduce the risk of developing obesity, a risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

The full study can be found in the Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology Magazine.

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