
Pro-life Democrats feel excluded from party influence – Charles Hilu

Pro-life Democrats feel excluded from party influence – Charles Hilu

CHICAGO – While Vice President Kamala Harris is mobilizing the Democratic base, there is a group of party members who are not so enthusiastic about her.

The pro-life Democrat is a dying breed in American political life. When the activist group Democrats for Life of America was founded in 1999, it boasted 43 Democrats in the House as allies in the fight against abortion. Today, the only self-described pro-life Democrat in the House is Representative Henry Cuellar of Texas. And while President Joe Biden has shown some reticence on the abortion issue over the course of his career, moving ever further to the left, Democrats for Life’s leadership has little hope that his successor on the 2024 presidential ticket will be as open to the pro-life argument.

“She needs to listen to what the other side is saying on this issue. The abortion lobby has her ear,” said Kristen Day, the group’s executive director. ShippingDay’s organization held a panel on Monday, the first day of the Democratic National Convention. There, speakers complained to about 15 attendees that they did not feel welcome in the Democratic Party because of their views on abortion.

Biden’s gradual move toward stronger abortion rights reflects the party’s evolution on the issue. While he once voted to allow Congress and state legislatures to Roe v. Wade and opposed taxpayer funding for abortion. Today, he supports codifying the overturned Supreme Court decision into federal law and opposes the Hyde Amendment.

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