
Did Alicia Silverstone eat a poisonous fruit on TikTok?

Did Alicia Silverstone eat a poisonous fruit on TikTok?

Photo illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

Alicia Silverstone makes headlines because she is stupid, but I will be strong and not Clueless Joke. Here’s what’s going on: Silverstone posted a TikTok on Monday asking her followers to help her identify a piece of fruit she’d just taken a bite of. The catch is that she wasn’t at a restaurant or a farmers’ market—she was on the street in London, and the berry (?) that confused her was growing in a stranger’s garden.

“I just bit into it because it was lying on the street,” said Silverstone. A great start. Then the actress realized from the leaves that it wasn’t a tomato and revealed an incredible revelation: the plant is behind a gate on private property. “When I bite into it – I don’t think you’re allowed to eat it – it’s almost like a pepper,” she mused. As it turns out, her instinct was right; you’re not allowed to eat it.

People in the comments were quick to tell the actress that what she was eating was a Jerusalem cherry, a member of the nightshade family that is mildly poisonous. They also wanted to tell her that she had bad manners. “Girl! Berries are either awesome or damn poisonous! Don’t eat random bush stuff,” one commenter wrote. “Even if it was a tomato, it’s in someone’s private front yard, you can’t just reach through their gate and pick their plants,” another wrote.

Silverstone hasn’t posted since, but it’s probably not because the berry knocked her out. If anything, she may be suffering from gastrointestinal distress due to her ignorance. Oh, I really tried, but did you really think I wouldn’t say it? As if!

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