
Catholic theologian calls on apostolic nuncios to recognize the diversity of the Church in Africa “as a gift” to the universal Church

Catholic theologian calls on apostolic nuncios to recognize the diversity of the Church in Africa “as a gift” to the universal Church

“Who is the Church in Africa, why is the Church in Africa and where is the Church in Africa?” he asked, continuing: “Answering these questions will serve as a deeper theological foundation to strengthen the relationship between the Roman Curia and the local churches. It also means that individual churches must strive for credible leadership, self-sustainability and effective mission practice.”

“The Roman Curia, on the other hand, must promote the subsidiarity of synodality and co-responsibility in dealing with the local churches,” said the Nigerian MSP member.

Describing the Roman Curia primarily as an instrument at the service of the Holy Father, Father Otu said the mission of the Apostolic Nuncios should therefore be to assist local Ordinaries and Catholic Bishops’ Conferences.

According to Father Otu, ethnic differences, tribalism, clericalism and ineffective governance structures in Africa are straining relations between local churches and the Roman Curia. Other challenges in Africa include the lack of competent personnel and dependence on the West.

On the other hand, the Roman Curia is characterized by “ineffective communication, bureaucracy and a lack of transparency,” Father Otu complained, adding that the situation “creates a feeling of paternalism, authoritarianism and excessive control on the part of the Roman Curia.”

(The story continues below)

“We need to redefine the role of the apostolic nuncios and see them as shepherds. Basically, they are shepherds and they play an important role in helping the local churches to evangelize,” he said, adding that the Roman Curia, on the other hand, must see itself as a bridge-builder between the Holy Father and the local churches.

In addition, the Church in Africa must do more to train personnel who are able to involve the Roman Curia in a collaboration with the Church that will promote the well-being of the Church in Africa, said the Nigerian theologian.

At the palaver on 16 August Wilfrid Fox Cardinal Napier warned participants not to place “unrealistic” expectations on the nuncios, adding that the Holy Father’s representatives have a lot of work ahead of them.

“I wonder if our expectations of nuncios are not unrealistic,” Cardinal Napier said, adding: “Their main role is to ensure that messages, teachings and policies developed in the Vatican reach the local Church. They are also there to ensure that the experiences of the local Church are fed back to the Vatican so that adjustments can be made from time to time regarding the issues being addressed.”

The South African cardinal added: “We have just received a new nuncio and he has made it very clear that he is here as the ear, mouthpiece and heart of the Holy Father.”

The cardinal, who took up his episcopal office in February 1981 as Bishop of South Africa, Diocese of Kokstad When electing a bishop, the Apostolic Nuncio is also responsible for passing on the names proposed by the local conference and others.

Agnes Aineah

Agnes Aineah is a Kenyan journalist with experience in digital reporting and newspaper reporting. She holds a Master of Arts in Digital Journalism from Aga Khan University, Graduate School of Media and Communications and a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics, Media and Communication from Moi University in Kenya. Agnes currently works as a journalist for ACI Africa.

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