
Hungary’s 1024th birthday « Euro Weekly News

Hungary’s 1024th birthday « Euro Weekly News

Hungary celebrates its 1024th birthday on August 20, uniting its citizens with dancing, cakes and fireworks to commemorate Hungary’s independence and achievements.

1024th birthday of Hungary; origin of the celebration

A symbol of Hungarian autonomy, the day was first celebrated on August 20, 1092, when King Ladislaus declared it a holy day and proposed the canonization of Stephen, the saint and founder of Hungary who transformed the nation into a European, Christian country.

While the Ottoman occupation suppressed the festival, it was reinstated by Maria Theresa in the 18th century. Since then, every year on August 20th, all shops and schools close, but the country comes alive more than ever with ceremonies, public speeches and themed festivals.

Hungary’s 1024th birthday: How to celebrate

Today, August 20, is the official day of the founding of the Hungarian state, when citizens reflect on national achievements. The celebration begins with the ceremonial raising of the national flag in Kossuth Square near the Parliament, followed by an award ceremony for the most inspiring Hungarian citizens.

The unique “Cake of Hungary” competition, organized by the Hungarian Confectionery Industry Association, invites residents from across the country to compete for Hungary’s best cake of the year, which is then publicly cut during the ceremony. As the country remembers its religious roots, processions to Saint Stephen are held, followed by the Hungarian New Bread Festival, where freshly baked bread is publicly blessed and cut.

This period also sees the Hungarian Folk Dance Festival, which has been impressing locals and visitors for more than two decades, showcasing the most creative ways of expressing national heritage through dance.

When the lights go out over the Danube after a mesmerising aerial parade over the Hungarian Parliament building, the country lights up in a spectacular fireworks display, the largest of which takes place in Budapest. This is a time when Hungarian friends and families create unforgettable memories while visitors experience the best of Hungarian culture.

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