
Green Thumb Garden Club appoints new officers

Green Thumb Garden Club appoints new officers

Green Thumb Garden Club members, including (left to right) outgoing President Leah Guerrero, Olga Charles, Treasurer Debra Scheide, Vice President Cheryl King, Second Vice President Tarah Ripley, Secretary Yvonne Garcia, Assemblywoman Jill Nordwick, former Corresponding Secretary Eunice Sosa and President Tara Maxey, gather for a photo during the final club meeting of the 2023-24 year in Neal’s Dining Room in Concan. The club installed new officers for the 2024-25 year during its May 1 meeting.

Jill Nordwick, Parliamentarian for the Green Thumb Garden Club, provided the following information at the club’s final meeting of the 2023-24 program year.

The Green Thumb Garden Club of Uvalde met May 1 at Neal’s Dining Room in Concan to install new officers for the 2024-25 program year, celebrate accomplishments, and conclude the 2023-24 program.

Some members wore hats to celebrate the Kentucky Derby. Highlights of the 2023-24 program included the club’s Christmas decorations on the medians of Highway 90, which drew praise from many visitors and community members.

GTGC member Ruby Brigman reported on her participation in the Texas State Garden Club meeting.

The club members thanked the outgoing officials for everything they have done for the success of our club.

President Leah Guerrero and Corresponding Secretary Eunice Sosa are outgoing officers.

Sosa, who served as correspondent secretary for eight years, inaugurated the officers for the coming year, 2024-25. As a motif for the inauguration, she used a rose, the different parts of which were assigned to the different duties each officer will assume in the coming year.

Officers for 2024-25 include Tara Maxey as president; Cheryl King, vice president; Tarah Ripley, second vice president; Debra Scheide, treasurer; Debra Windham, recorder; Yvonne Garcia, correspondence secretary; and Jill Nordwick, parliamentarian. Sosa asked each new member if they accepted the responsibility of their position, then warmly congratulated them and wished them well for a great year.

The Green Thumb Garden Club meets every first Wednesday of the month at 11:30 a.m. beginning September 4th with a program at noon at the Uvalde Country Club.

The club is made up of people of all ages who are interested in gardening and beautifying Uvalde. Everyone is welcome. For more information, contact a GTGC member or call Nordwick at 830-261-0639.

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