
LETTER: Langley has no green burial options

LETTER: Langley has no green burial options

Only three cemeteries in British Columbia offer green burials, and a Langley man wants more options

Dear Editor,
It’s not easy being green.
As a diesel truck driver, I’m not a poster boy for the green movement, but I believe I’m not the only one doing my best to reduce my carbon footprint while hauling the things you need.
I am also a vocal advocate for the greening of the funeral industry, pressuring all levels of government to offer “hybrid cemeteries” in all communities. Langley has four cemeteries but no green burial option. The nearest green alternative is not far away, as the Heritage Garden in Surrey offers it, and my wife and I have secured a future there.
Hybrid cemetery means that both environmentally friendly options and modern, commonly used services are available.
There are many descriptive answers to the question of what an eco-friendly funeral might look like, but the basic rule is that no preservatives, artificial materials, metals or toxic elements can be used. Compostable coffins and shrouds are commonly used, but in the US, 11 states have now approved expedited composting services, where the deceased is converted into soil nutrient within a few weeks and can then be placed anywhere the family chooses without further approval. Recompose of Seattle started this movement and it makes a lot of sense to me as a way to return accumulated carbon back into the cycle of life.
You can join the discussion about organic burials on Facebook.

Marcel Larouche, Walnut Grove

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