
Dogs in Vancouver, BC: Historical photos from 100 years ago

Dogs in Vancouver, BC: Historical photos from 100 years ago

Meet Bruce, King and Cronje and others.

Since people have lived in this area, dogs have also lived there.

Before the arrival of Europeans, various breeds of dogs were part of the lives of the indigenous people of British Columbia. The Salish Woolly Dog was an important part of the lives of the indigenous First Nations. It was not only a companion, but also provided fur that was used for weaving.

Unfortunately they are now extinct.

However, dogs remained a normal part of life in the area, and when settlers built Vancouver, they were always by their side.

Many of the photos in the City of Vancouver archives feature dogs. Some are posed, others simply show a furry friend living life alongside their owners.

Some were pets and others were probably working dogs to some extent. There is even a picture of a local fire station posing with their dog. And there are several photos of dogs with soldiers from the First World War era; tens of thousands of dogs were used in the war, from working on the front lines to being mascots to helping to transport equipment.

In fairness, most of the dogs in the gallery were companions, with names ranging from the mundane (Bruce) to the regal (King) to the unusual (Cronje was named after a general in the Boer Wars).

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