
Titanium submarines: The most powerful submarines Russia has built (the Navy said: No way)

Titanium submarines: The most powerful submarines Russia has built (the Navy said: No way)

Summary and key points: During the Cold War, the Soviet Union sought an advantage in undersea warfare by designing the Lira-class submarines with titanium hulls. These submarines were designed to be faster, quieter, and able to dive deeper than their American counterparts.

-However, despite the advantages of titanium – such as strength, light weight and corrosion resistance – the US Navy decided not to follow suit. The decision was due to the high costs, technical challenges and welding difficulties associated with titanium. Instead, the US focused on improving undersea warfare capabilities, such as developing advanced torpedoes.

-The Soviet Union produced only seven Lira-class submarines, which were eventually decommissioned due to maintenance problems. The U.S. Navy’s decision not to build submarines out of titanium proved to be a wise one, as the material’s advantages did not outweigh its significant disadvantages.

Submarine race in the Cold War: Why the US Navy decided against titanium hulls

At the height of the Cold War, the Soviet Union once believed it had the edge over the United States in underwater warfare.

The Russians have fitted their Lira-class submarines with titanium hulls, which will give the submarines better propulsion and allow them to dive faster, deeper and more quietly. They may even be able to outwit attacking American and NATO torpedoes.

The US Navy never followed suit because the titanium hulls were more expensive and harder to build. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of titanium submarines to see if the Navy made a good decision by foregoing them or if it was a bad mistake.

Could this be the Soviet submarine that would dominate the Americans?

The Soviet nuclear submarine Lira (also called Alfa) of Project 705 was state-of-the-art in the 1960s. It was designed to reach previously unattainable speeds and be the quietest submarine in the Russian Navy. Titanium was to be used for the Lira’s hulls and a new lead-cooled reactor was to power the ship to enable it to dive and turn quickly. The Lira class was the fastest submarine ever built – it could reach 41 knots. It could reach this speed quickly and skillfully change direction when necessary.

Titanium has many advantages

Titanium alloys are typically stronger than steel but weigh half as much. They are more expensive, up to three to five times more expensive than steel. Titanium is also less corrosive in salt water. It can withstand more pressure during deeper dives – up to 2,200 feet. Processing titanium into a ship’s hull is no easy task. Welding is difficult and the slightest mistake during the welding phase can make the titanium brittle and less stable. Welders did their work in expensive facilities that used argon gas, which meant dangerous work.

But not enough plus points for the US Navy

Aware of the Lira-class’s power, speed and stealth capabilities, the United States took a close look at the titanium construction. Titanium is rare and expensive compared to iron. It is also not easily molded. Welders would need an external source of oxygen during work hours. Any misstep by the welders would create a submarine that would be dangerous for deep diving. The higher pressure could endanger the weakened hull.

Simply build better torpedoes and other weapons for underwater combat

The US Navy considered building its own titanium supply chain, but decided the effort and expense would not be worth it. Instead, it wanted to improve its underwater warfare capabilities rather than opting for a titanium hull. The Navy developed the MK 48 heavyweight torpedo, designed to take out the Lira boats at 63 knots. The British built a high-speed torpedo called the Spearfish. The Americans also began work on the Sea Lance anti-submarine missile, which could carry a torpedo or depth charge to destroy a Lira-class ship.

Not as dominant as the thought

The Soviets only produced seven Lira submarines. They had a complicated reactor that made repairs difficult. The titanium proved problematic, with some boats developing cracks in the hull, requiring costly and difficult repairs. The Liras were also not as quiet as the Soviets had hoped, although it was believed that the titanium was paramagnetic, which would make for a smoother ride. Although they were expensive to maintain, they remained in service until the end of the Cold War, but were then decommissioned and scrapped.

Alfa-class submarine

The US Navy made the right decision

The US Navy made a good decision not to build titanium boats at the time. The material is expensive and complicated to process. Sometimes, when thinking about new designs for defense procurement, it is better to let the enemy get ahead to see where the weaknesses are and figure out how best to offset the advantages. The Russian boats were fast thanks to the titanium, but not as quiet as advertised. The Americans felt that titanium was not worth the effort and cost.

About the author

Dr. Brent M. Eastwood is the author of Humans, Machines, and Data: Future Trends in Warfare. He is an emerging threat expert and former U.S. Army infantry officer. You can follow him on Twitter. @BMEastwoodHe holds a doctorate in political science and foreign policy/international relations.

Image credit: Creative Commons.

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