
People share the biggest warning signs they look for in women and it’s an eye-opener

People share the biggest warning signs they look for in women and it’s an eye-opener

Attractive qualities of a woman

Representative image source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative image source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

A woman is mostly considered attractive based on her looks. While external beauty is desirable, it is the inner qualities that make a lasting impression. Examples of such qualities are confidence and a sense of humor. Kindness and empathy are also very beautiful qualities that highlight a woman’s attitude towards the people around her. Ultimately, it is a combination of beauty and intelligence that leads to meaningful connections. Here is a compilation of 10 warning signs in women shared by men on Reddit:

1. Dealing with conflicts correctly

Representative image source: Pexels | Liza Summer
Representative image source: Pexels | Liza Summer

Addressing fights and/or conflict in a healthy way. During one of my first arguments with my girlfriend (now my wife of 15 years), I was surprised that, although she was still angry, she clearly said, “I’m upset when you did X because of (something in her past). I know the past event isn’t your fault, but I still kind of feel like we should talk later when I’ve processed this a bit.” Waaaaah…

2. Emotional Intelligence

Representative image source: Pexels | Marcelo Chagas
Representative image source: Pexels | Marcelo Chagas

Emotional intelligence applies to men too. Anyone who takes the time to ask themselves WHY they feel a certain way instead of acting on instinct is a gift. I’ve never been in a relationship like this in my life. We can talk everything out peacefully. No arguments, no insults or hurt feelings in years, emotional intelligence is key. u/MolagMoProblems That! I didn’t understand what a relationship should really be like until I had a partner like this. When you have emotional intelligence, everything else is easier. u/Reev3rb

3. Friendliness

Representative image source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio
Representative image source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio

Kindness at its finest. I met my wife 11 years ago and fell in love with her pretty quickly. She is the kindest person I have ever met. No matter the situation, she approaches everyone with a calmness I could never achieve. Every dog ​​gets love, every baby gets stared at. Need help? She’s there wearing work boots. Homeless? She always has snacks and cash on hand to hand out. I’m having a bad day. She will do anything to make sure I know I’m loved. u/Infinite-Ambassador5

4. Thoughtfulness

Representative image source: Pexels | Felipe Borges
Representative image source: Pexels | Felipe Borges

Consideration comes with a lot of traits. My girlfriend is the most considerate partner I’ve ever had. I missed out on a job at my dream company and she made me a “Feeling Blue” package full of blue snacks I like with a cute card. When I’m having a bad day, she surprises me with dessert or a drink I like or something like that. She threw me my first surprise birthday party at an escape room with my friends because she knew I loved her. When a partner takes the time to really think about you and the things you like/don’t like and looks at things from your perspective, that’s the greenest flag I can imagine. u/shockwave_supernova

5. Be clean

Representative image source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio
Representative image source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio

My wife has this consideration for others/cleaning discipline, among countless other virtues. So when we went to hotels, she made the bed, took out the trash, etc., so much so that half of the hotels/Airbnbs asked me if we even used the room. It’s something we don’t even talk about, but it makes my eyes light up. She knows they have to change the blankets and everything else, but she thinks a nearly spotless room is a good image for the cleaner. u/cangarejos

6. The partner must be emotionally open

Representative image source: Pexels | Manny Rodriguez
Representative image source: Pexels | Manny Rodriguez

Someone who is ACTUALLY OK with their man being emotionally honest and open. A lot of women say they want that, but what they really want is a guy who finds things cute and sheds a manly tear over Titanic, but says “well, that’s embarrassing” when he’s actually crying over childhood trauma or something. If you’re mature and healthy enough to realize that emotional honesty comes with uncomfortable and difficult things that you probably don’t want to deal with, but will deal with anyway, then that’s a massive red flag. u/JackofScarlets

7. Show respect to others

Representative image source: Pexels | Fauxels
Representative image source: Pexels | Fauxels

In my opinion, there are a few. Respect is a big one. I don’t date anyone who is superficial, abusive, or disrespectful to other people. That’s a big sign that something is off in their personality. The biggest issue for me though, and this is going to sound weird, is when they text you back after the date. That’s not to say the guy shouldn’t text back, but seeing it from the other perspective really reinforces the belief that they’re interested in seeing you again. u/LoneRedditor123

8. Invest in your partner’s passion

Representative image source: Pexels | Anastasia Shuraeva
Representative image source: Pexels | Anastasia Shuraeva

She shows genuine interest in something I’m passionate about. Example: My cousin’s friend was visiting and asked me about football. She’s a Minnesota fan (God bless her) and understood the players on the team and in general a fair bit better than the average person, but she wanted to know more. So she asked about other players, lineups, where everyone goes when they line up, etc. We’re at the beach and we’re throwing football around and she asks how to throw it properly. I explain it to her. She gets better at throwing very quickly and I’ll be honest, she was already attractive but it was perhaps one of the sexiest things a woman has ever done without being sexy. And she wasn’t trying to flirt or ask with her questions, but she wasn’t really interested just to be polite, no, she really wanted to know more about football and that really turned her on. u/Praying_Lotus

9. Make an effort

Representative image source: Pexels | RDNE Stock Project
Representative image source: Pexels | RDNE Stock Project

She makes an effort. Many women have the mindset that they’re doing a man a favor by dating him, and therefore he has to woo her and be considerate and do all those things for her while she does the bare minimum. (Many men may do this too, but I don’t date men so I don’t really know.) It’s a huge red flag if she’s putting a lot of effort into the relationship too. When I was much younger, a woman I was dating showed up with McDonald’s (I love McDonald’s), flowers, and a £5 bag of gummy bears. I was absolutely speechless. I put a lot of effort into making my partners feel special and loved. I expect the same. If they’re not good at it, that’s OK as long as they’re making an effort. u/CarpeMofo

10. Willing to grow as a person

Representative image source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio
Representative image source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio

That she is willing to grow as a person. I have met and dated way too many girls who think they are done, that they have reached the top of the mountain and that we should all bow down to their awesomeness. My wife is constantly trying to learn more and is happy to share new things she learns with me. Just the humility of knowing that you still have a lot to learn is not only attractive in a romantic partner, it’s just a good character trait in general. u/HighlightOk7535.

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on August 23, 2023. It has since been updated.

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