
Old McDonald’s buildings in Flint will be demolished to make way for a future recycling collection point

Old McDonald’s buildings in Flint will be demolished to make way for a future recycling collection point

FLINT, MI – A Flint complex that processed milk and manufactured dairy products for 70 years has been demolished, marking a milestone in efforts to build a permanent household hazardous waste collection center in its place.

“All the buildings are destroyed … They’re doing a cleanup,” said Derek Bradshaw, director of the Genesee County Planning Commission. “When you see it, you realize that that corner with the cultural center (in the area) really destroyed the whole area.”

“Now you can really see the huge impact this project will have in creating a beautiful gateway to the city of Flint…”

The county is working to establish a household waste drop-off facility at the former McDonald’s Dairy site on Chavez Drive in the city.

The property came into the county’s possession from the County Land Bank, which acquired it through a tax foreclosure proceeding. The buildings on site have been demolished and the debris is being removed under a contract with Burnash Wrecking.

More than a year ago, the county hired Mannik & Smith Group of Maumee, Ohio, to do the demolition. Bradshaw said the site should be cleared and sodden by October.

Before construction can begin, the drop-off center must be designed and put out to bid. County officials estimate the cost of the project at $10 million, which will be funded in part by building permit fees.

Last year, the state Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy also provided a $900,000 grant to build the center. Bradshaw said the county is still reviewing possible federal grants and congressional appropriations to support the center.

Local residents have taken part in the initiative to create a permanent collection point for difficult-to-recycle household items such as paint, car fluids and electronics.

Regular recycling days held at various locations attract hundreds of participants, and just last month the county held a drawing to narrow down the number of participants for its next impromptu recycling day because demand for appointments was high.

The Planning Commission also says that with a permanent facility, it can serve more residents at a lower cost. The commission’s website says the cost of its recycling days has increased by about 400% since 2019.

According to Flint Journal records, the McDonald Dairy was built in Flint in 1929. Throughout its history, the factory produced milk, ice cream mixes, orange juice, cottage cheese and yogurt.

After being acquired by Country Fresh, Flint production was eventually moved to other Dean Foods Co. plants in Livonia and Grand Rapids before production there ceased in 2009. Dean was the parent company of Country Fresh.

In addition to using the Chavez Drive property as a recycling center, county officials have also discussed building a warehouse on the property for the Genesee County Community Action Resource Department and the county’s motor pool.

County Administrative Director Jousha Freeman told the county board this week that he plans to form a working group to discuss the future operations of the fleet before detailed plans are drawn up for the recycling center site.

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