
A mother’s video of her packing the world into her daughter’s dorm room belongings is being welcomed by parents

A mother’s video of her packing the world into her daughter’s dorm room belongings is being welcomed by parents

Moving out is a major life milestone for a young woman, and going to college far away comes with its own set of preparations. This is the kind of moment when support from family and friends is essential, and one woman moving to LSU to study had her mom to take care of everything. More than just a collection of random items, the growing pile of dorm supplies in the duo’s home was Sandy DiTullio’s (@shadiersandy) way of making sure her daughter was ready for a big life change. “Okay, so my daughter’s pile keeps growing,” she says with a mix of pride and a little panic in a video posted to TikTok.

Image source: TikTok | @shadiersandy
Image source: TikTok | @shadiersandy

Each item in the pile is carefully chosen and has a specific purpose, from air purifiers to laundry detergent. She’s not just getting her daughter ready for college, but making sure she’s prepared for whatever comes her way. A handheld steamer from Pure Pop is one of the newest additions to the pile, as it’s perfect for keeping clothes wrinkle-free. “If you haven’t bought one of these for your daughter who’s going to college, it’s not too late. You need to get one,” the mom says excitedly. It’s clear that she’s not only looking out for her own daughter, but also offering advice to other parents in the same boat.

Image source: TikTok | @shadiersandy
Image source: TikTok | @shadiersandy

Preparations continue with a first aid kit she put together based on suggestions in the comments on a TikTok video she made the night before. “I’ll just tell you, I read every single comment and today I went out and got every single item I was missing,” she says, showing her dedication. “I’ll show you something else I put together today,” she adds, pulling out her daughter’s laundry bag with a monogrammed laundry bag inside.

Image source: TikTok | @shadiersandy
Image source: TikTok | @shadiersandy

There’s also laundry detergent, and while she knows Tide Pods are popular, she prefers to stick with what she’s familiar with. “Nothing is better than this. I just find the liquid smells better and cleans better. This is what we use at home, so she’ll use the same thing there,” she explains. The video also shows DiTullio packing a stain spray, Bounce dryer sheets, and even pink Wonder Shoe Cleaning Wipes. “So when her shoes get really dirty, she has this,” she says, clearly pleased with her preparations.

The mom also thought of little things like the Bounce anti-wrinkle spray, which she loves so much she even carries it with her at all times. “It’s just great,” she says, happy to have found something that works so well. But perhaps the most surprising addition is the Clorox bleach packs. “I’ve never seen these before,” she says, genuinely amazed. “These are Clorox bleach packs… Oh my gosh, who would have thought? You all probably knew, but I didn’t know they made them.”

Viewers liked DiTullio’s interactions with her daughter and chimed in to share their experiences and suggestions. “This is what nesting for a newborn looks like 18 years later! I’m taking notes myself!” wrote @tntimes. “Those bleach packets are genius! I’ve never seen them before. By the way, you’re doing a great job. She’s very popular. So much thought has gone into this,” commented @birdsrbots. “My daughter is only 8 months old, but this is exactly how I’m going to prepare my girl for college,” added @sandymmeadows.

Image source: TikTok |
Image source: TikTok | @burnsie107

Image source: TikTok |
Image source: TikTok | @kikimuxe

Image source: TikTok |
Image source: TikTok | @itsalyssabe

You can follow Sandy DiTullio (@shadiersandy) on TikTok for more parenting videos and content.

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