
Why Sight & Sound believes this Bible story is so relevant today

Why Sight & Sound believes this Bible story is so relevant today

Published: August 16, 2024

Why Sight & Sound believes this Bible story is so relevant today
Photo by Sight and Sounds Instagram

Why Sight & Sound believes this Bible story is so relevant today

By Movieguide® Contributor

Sight & Sound is currently in the midst of producing “Daniel,” a story the theater company believes is extremely timely at a time when the culture is becoming increasingly hostile toward Christianity.

“I think (Daniel’s) story couldn’t be more relevant today,” Jacob Cummings, who plays Daniel, told The Christian Post. “I think we’re in the middle of a period as a nation, as a society, where a lot of lines are being drawn in the sand, and the world is telling us that we really need to take a stand.”

“I think what Daniel really proves is that you can be part of a kingdom that has nothing to do with God and serve Him faithfully while also being a good steward of the kingdom that God puts you in,” he continued. “I’ve learned so much about that and I think the audience will, too.”

Daniel went into production in 2021 and hit the stage last March. The crew managed to adapt both halves of the book into one story that is told on an incredible scale. The stage used for the production is 300 feet wide – the size of a football field – and is surrounded by a wraparound city that changes throughout the play.

“Separated from his people, Daniel is exiled far from home in the mighty kingdom of Babylon,” reads a synopsis for the production. “Now this loyal servant must navigate his new life in a palace filled with golden statues and shifting empires. As royal pressure mounts, Daniel faces a dangerous choice. Will his trust in the one true God withstand all the tests of his faith?”

After half a year of performances, the cast has seen the impact Daniel’s story has had on inspiring Christians to stand up for their faith and find encouragement in a biblical hero who faced a problem that so many can identify with. The cast has also been greatly influenced by the story.

“To see the Lord continue to proclaim His message and proclaim His Word without it coming back inappropriately, and to see the listeners continue to be touched and continue to heed His Word, is really something very special,” Cummings said.

A recorded version of the show is now in theaters, with a limited run from August 30 to September 2.

Movieguide® previously reported:

“I hope that people see the common thread of God’s faithfulness in Daniel’s life,” added Jacob Cummings, who plays Daniel. “God’s faithfulness was no stronger in the lion’s den or the fiery furnace than it was in all the moments before that. So I think that I hope that people see that they can rely on God in any situation, and the more we put our faith and trust in Him, the more we can lean on Him in adversity.”

Director Jeff Bender shared his vision for the production.

“We started this to make this story as clear as possible. It was like a puzzle with a thousand pieces, you know, we just put the pieces together to find the common thread… about the kingdoms of this world and the kingdom of God and how they interact,” he explained.

Sight & Sound productions are known for their elaborate sets. Bender called DANIEL’s set “by far the most technically integrated show we’ve ever done.”

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