
Marvel poster behind viral mystery of why a child didn’t want to sleep in his room

Marvel poster behind viral mystery of why a child didn’t want to sleep in his room

In a recent social media post that went viral, a mother asked the denizens of the World Wide Web for help in figuring out why her three-year-old son suddenly wouldn’t go to his room, let alone SLEEP. As it turns out, the reason for her son’s strange behavior was none other than a poster above his bed depicting dozens of superheroes and supervillains from Marvel Comics.

The mom posted her thread titled “I’m at my wits’ end. My son suddenly won’t go in his room but he won’t tell us why” on Reddit’s popular Mommit subforum, hoping someone would have a solution to why her son suddenly refused to sleep in his room out of the blue around July 4. As it turns out, she solved the problem herself and posted an update a month later, which was later shared on Reddit’s even more popular Best of Redditor Updates subforum.


10 Marvel comics that deserve a reprint

Marvel fans would love to get their hands on some hard-to-find classics that have been out of print for a long time, like Generation X, She-Hulk, and more.

What happened to her son that made a poster turn to Reddit for help?

The woman explained that she and her husband had recently moved into a new house with their son (who turns four this month), and one of her main wishes was for her son to have his own bedroom. He had a Mario Kart-themed bed and seemed to love his bedroom. He spent a lot of time there alone, playing with his toys. Then on July 4, something changed.

She stated on July 20:

That same night, and every night since, he refuses to go into his room at all and insists on sleeping in our room. He won’t go in with us holding his hand, and if we can get him to get a certain toy for a second, he won’t go all the way in and then immediately runs back down the hall. He has no problem bathing in his bathroom across the hall, but he insists we keep the bathroom door closed. Then he runs straight from the bathroom into our room.

A few days later, she began speculating that perhaps he had been startled by a squirrel running around on the roof near his bedroom. Other commenters speculated that perhaps he was embarrassed or ashamed of something. As one commenter noted, “I’m guessing he’s either scared or ashamed. Could be fireworks like others mention, or it could be really silly. Hopefully not a ghost. I think he pooped in the closet, had a toilet accident, threw up, broke or spilled something. Have you taken the room apart to make sure it’s not different?”

As it turned out, it was much easier…


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Marvel characters like Deadpool entertain on the screen, while equally funny heroes like Squirrel Girl and Howard the Duck provide laughs in the comics.

How did the mother come to the conclusion that a Marvel Comics poster was the reason for her son’s strange behavior?

A seemingly scary Marvel poster

19 days later, the woman came back and explained that she had solved the problem. She had gently convinced her son to look into his room with her and let her show him different things in the room to see how he would react. When she pointed to the Marvel Comics poster above, he freaked out, ran into her room and hid under the covers.

She took the poster down and carried it past her and her husband’s bedroom where their son was. “I went into our room to confirm and he freaked out when he saw me holding it. I told him it was going in the trash and he would never see it again. I hid it downstairs to dispose of later, came back upstairs and told him it was gone. He jumped out of our bed, rushed down the hall to his room, and jumped excitedly as he said, “Evil Face is gone!!!” He then screamed excitedly about his Mario Kart bed, threw my pillow away (the mom had been sleeping in her son’s bed while the son slept in her bedroom with her husband), threw his Mario pillow on it and snuggled up in it! I was so thrilled I danced around with him for the rest of the night singing “NO MORE EVIL FACE.” We played with all the toys he missed. He slept in his room that night and since then he has spent even more time in his room playing alone. He mentions every night that the evil face is gone and his room is fun.”

The mother suspected that it was probably Ego the Living Planet or MODOK, but POSSIBLY also Arnim Zola…

Source: Reddit

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