
Telford Council puts one-way street and parking changes on hold following public feedback

Telford Council puts one-way street and parking changes on hold following public feedback

TELFORD – Following feedback from the public, a number of changes to the designation of one-way streets and no-parking zones were proposed at a Telford Borough Council meeting.

The proposed ordinance would remove the one-way designation for East Summit Street, a de facto two-lane road, while adding a one-way designation for most of Grandview Drive to allow safe passage for emergency vehicles. Other changes include prohibiting parking on West Summit Avenue from the corner of Acorn Avenue 50 feet toward Main Street and on the west side of Acorn Avenue from West Summit Avenue to Reliance Road.

At the August 12 meeting, East Summit residents voiced concerns about speeding, while residents of Grandview Drive and Acorn Avenue expressed unease about the lack of parking for residents. In response, the council agreed to put the ordinance on hold for further discussion. Some proposed changes included traffic calming measures and parking on the north side of East Summit Street.

Recycling Regulation

The Council has deferred promulgation of a new municipal waste collection and recycling ordinance for further review. The ordinance follows an updated intermunicipal agreement by the Northern Montgomery County Recycling Commission (NMCRC), which coordinates and promotes recycling activities among its 11 member municipalities.

The ordinance was put on hold after some council members raised concerns about the limited review time and a provision that delegates enforcement to the NMCRC’s attorney. The item will be on the agenda for the next council meeting.

Franklin Alley Swale Project

County Manager Kyle Detweiler reported that the Franklin Alley Swale project has made significant progress over the past month and will be substantially complete by the end of next week. The project, funded by a $146,000 state grant, will improve the existing swale that runs from Franconia Avenue Park to Station Alley.

The council has renewed its agreement with the Pennridge Wastewater Treatment Authority (PWTA). Formed in 1973 as a partnership between six local municipalities, the PWTA entered into a 50-year agreement last year, leaving the authority without state certification or the ability to receive loans for projects.

The council also rejected an amendment to the Poultry and Small Farm Zoning Ordinance, which regulates fencing of livestock and poultry, due to concerns about enforcement mechanisms, and approved the HOPE Walk event on September 21.

The next Telford Borough Council meeting is on September 9 at 7:30pm. For more information visit

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