
Ablaze previews graphic novel about the Spanish punk rock scene

Ablaze previews graphic novel about the Spanish punk rock scene

Posted in: Ablaze Publishing, Comics, Comic Publishers | Tagged: ABLAZE Publishing, Graphic Novel, Kiko Amat, Punkrock, Rompepistas, Rosa Codina, Spain

ABlaze publishes Rompepistas, the first graphic novel by Rosa Codina, which adapts Kiko Amat’s novel about the Spanish punk rock scene

Article overview

  • “Rompepistas” is a graphic novel by Rosa Codina based on Kiko Amat’s novel about the Spanish punk rock scene.
  • The story captures the wild youth of the Rompepistas, who live for punk music in the outskirts of Barcelona.
  • A celebration of punk culture for rebels old and new, featuring bands like Generation X and The Clash.
  • It will be available in September 2024 for $24.99 and can be pre-ordered now in print and digital editions.

Puzzlesthe first graphic novel by the Spanish writer and artist Rosa Codina, adapted productive columnist and author Kiko Amat‘s coming-of-age novel about the wild years of adolescence in the Spanish punk rock scene becomes a celebration of an era when music meant everything and looks and beliefs defined one’s tribal affiliation. A must-read for “old school” punks as well as today’s rebel generation and anyone who has ever listened to the words of Joe Strummer, pogoed to the Ramones and lived their life to an alternative beat. This is a story not to be missed by punk rock fans. This is possibly the first and only graphic novel about the punk rock scene in Spain.

Rompepistas: Ablaze previews graphic novel about the Spanish punk rock sceneRompepistas: Ablaze previews graphic novel about the Spanish punk rock scene
“Rompepistas” Cover Art: ABLAZE


History and art of Rosa Codina

RRP: $24.99 · 232 pages · ISBN: 9781684972401

Available on September 24, 2024

Rompepistas is seventeen years old. He’s a punk who lives in the suburbs of Barcelona and does everything for the music he loves: Generation X, The Clash, The Jam, Las Duelistas… The latter is his own band, where he plays guitar and screams into the microphone. It’s about playing to keep the sadness at bay and never cry again. When you start playing, everything changes. All the crap clears up.

Novelist and columnist Kiko Amat has published the novels The day I stopped coming to Nadie (2003), What is BUM (2007), Puzzles (2009)It’s the best, Cienfuegos (2012), Before the hurricane (2018) and Revenge (2021), all at Anagrama. He is also the author of three non-fiction books, Mil Violins (2011) and guy, guy (2015) and Los Enemigos; how I hear the odio and aprovechar the enemy (2022). He was co-director of the Primera Persona festival at the CCCB, co-author and co-moderator of the Pop y Muerte (Radio Primavera Sound) Podcast and is part of the team behind the Finestres bookstore.

Puzzles can now be pre-ordered in print and digital editions.

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