
John “Chris” O’Brian – Candidate for District 1 Commissioner

John “Chris” O’Brian – Candidate for District 1 Commissioner

As a proud member of this community, I am honored to announce my candidacy for County Commissioner District 1. My roots run deep in this county, having grown up here and having a family history that spans generations. Now, I want to use my diverse experiences and unwavering commitment to serve the residents of our county in a new capacity.

My tour of duty began in the United States Air Force, where I learned valuable lessons in leadership, discipline, and dedication to a cause greater than oneself. After spending several years in corporate America, I returned home to raise my daughter until she was a teenager. I eventually became a deputy in the Madison County Sheriff’s Office. For more than nine years, I had the privilege of protecting and serving our community and witnessing firsthand the challenges and opportunities that shape the future of our county.

In addition to my career as a law enforcement officer, I am proud to lead a national nonprofit organization from my office here in the City of Madison. Through this work, I have been able to make a tangible impact on veterans and first responders across the country, but my heart has always remained firmly rooted at home. From organizing local events to supporting community initiatives, I am committed to giving back to the place that has given me so much.

As County Commissioner, I have a clear vision: a better future for our county and its residents. I believe that investing in our infrastructure supports economic growth and improves the quality of life for all. I am committed to creating an environment where local businesses can thrive and every resident feels safe and supported, while also looking for ways to reduce our county’s tax burden. Whether it’s improving our roads, increasing our job opportunities by encouraging new businesses to locate here, or investing in our children’s opportunities outside the classroom, I will work tirelessly to meet the needs of our community.

  1. What skills or experience do you think best qualify you for the position you are seeking?

I started out here like most of my generation, growing hay, tobacco, melons or peaches as a summer job, so I’ve known hard work since I was a kid. I learned teamwork and responsibility through team sports in high school and college. When I joined the U.S. Air Force in 1988, I began to understand sacrifice and striving for a greater goal. In American business, as a salesperson, I learned to understand accounting and budgets, as well as scheduling and time management. I developed all of these skills over the years, earning myself a leadership role with the Madison County Sheriff’s Office as a canine unit leader and eventually as a patrol officer, while also taking on a support role on the SWAT team. I currently manage several team members across the country who train our service animals and their recipients with an annual budget of around $200,000. I believe my diverse background and ability to listen and work on solutions for people with different life experiences makes me uniquely qualified to be your next County Commissioner for District 1.

  1. How have you served others in your professional and personal life?

I learned to serve and help others from one of the best there is: my mother, Linda O’Brian. She taught the three of us that humility and service is not a job, but a calling. I have trained and mentored children who have gone on to become amazing parents, teachers, law enforcement, and doctors – top performers in their fields. In the Air Force, I proudly served our great nation and was honorably discharged. I graduated from the Law Enforcement Academy here at NFCC and began serving this community as a member of the Sheriff’s Office in 2011. Sacrifice, service, and accountability are instilled in every deputy as we respond to calls and respond to natural disasters. My current job as the founder and CEO of Forgotten Coast K9 has been humbling beyond words. Learning to help our veterans and first responders struggling with PTSD and other disabilities has shown me what it truly means to serve others and the sacrifices others have made to ensure our safety and way of life.

  1. How do you ensure you are available to your constituents in times of need? Whether it’s a simple question, a concern they want to discuss privately, or an immediate need due to a natural disaster?

I’ve learned over the years that empathy for others and listening to their problems goes a long way in understanding what their needs are and how I can best help them solve them. In my current position, I get calls 24/7, so I’m always available by phone to answer any questions to the best of my ability with the information I have. I always carry a notebook with me to take notes and check in with each individual, and I’ll continue to do that as District 1 Commissioner. If any of my constituents prefer a private meeting, that’s an easy solution—we either schedule a time at my office next to the courthouse or at their home, whichever they prefer. As for natural disasters, there’s an easy answer to that, too. From living in North Georgia and using chainsaws to help clear roads after tornadoes to helping distribute food after Hurricane Idahlia, helping the community was instilled in my brothers and me from a young age. My father was a role model for us when the tornado devastated our neighborhood in 1988 and he helped rescue his neighbors from the rubble of their homes. I will always do what I can to help others in their time of need, whether I hold elected office or not.

As I begin this journey, I ask for your support. Let the knowledge I have gained over my decades of service to our community and our country be put to use here in Madison. Together, we can truly improve the lives of our community members and ultimately build a better future for all of us. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 850-508-7386 or simply stop by my office at 137 SW Shelby Ave in Madison (on the corner across from the courthouse and post office). I will be happy to listen to your concerns and work together to find a solution.

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