
Tell us where you would add street art in Lakeland, FL

Tell us where you would add street art in Lakeland, FL

This is local editor Connor. I was recently in downtown Plant City when a dumpster caught my eye. I don’t think this has ever happened beforebut this bright yellow trash can behind the Krazy Kup cafe was truly a work of art. After looking at some Dumpster diving Browsing the internet, I found out that it is a street art piece by Victoria Creel for Plant City. Trash Canvas Project.

The project is a collaboration between the City of Plant City, Plant City Main Street and MAKE Plant City. Funding came primarily from an Arts Council of Hillsborough County Community Arts Impact Grant. It is not the only project the groups have collaborated on—you will also find artwork that Switch boxes in the city center.

A water meter embedded in the ground with a painted message about water saving

Lakeland Water Utilities commissioned Gaby’s Art Gallery to create these water meter paintings on Kentucky Avenue.

This got us thinking: Could Lakeland use something like this? Our city may be known for its many murals, but will we ever run out of wall space? This part may be a bit far-fetched, but local government agencies like the Lakeland Community Redevelopment Agency have funded similar art projects in the past:

We’re thinking about other unexpected places in the city where vibrant street art could be created. Maybe the trash cans downtown could be spruced up, or the green electrical boxes around Lake Morton could be jazzed up.
Think outside the box and Tell us where You want to see art around Lakeland.

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