
REMINDER – As election season approaches, ANY yard signs are PROHIBITED in the street area

REMINDER – As election season approaches, ANY yard signs are PROHIBITED in the street area

August 13, 2024 – The State Highway Administration of the Maryland Department of Transportation reminds the public that the right-of-way along state highways is reserved for traffic control and other authorized signs and devices. Both federal and state law prohibit the unauthorized placement of signs, signals, markings, and devices on or along the state right-of-way. This includes, but is not limited to, campaign and advertising signs or other signs that may pose a potential hazard to the right-of-way of the transportation authority, including medians, shoulders, and existing traffic signal structures.

Illegal sign placement poses a potential safety hazard in many ways. It distracts drivers, obstructs their view and sight distance, and interferes with daily maintenance tasks such as removing trash and mowing. In addition, parking on the side of the road and getting out of a vehicle to place signs is extremely dangerous due to adjacent traffic.

Right-of-way areas where unauthorized signs are prohibited may include medians, shoulders, or existing traffic signs or structures. State Highway Administration right-of-way generally extends from one utility pole to the next when looking at the cross-section of a road. To verify state right-of-way boundaries, contact the State Highway Administration offices in your county. Unauthorized signs in the highway right-of-way will be removed and stored for pickup at the nearest State Highway Administration maintenance facility.

The State Highway Administration is committed to keeping state highways safe and beautiful. While illegally posted signs are a hazard in and of themselves, they also detract from Maryland’s many scenic views. For more information on outdoor advertising rules and regulations, citizens should contact their local State Highway Administration in their county.

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