
The media has become the story – California Globe

The media has become the story – California Globe

The media has become the central theme of American politics. Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance spoke on three Sunday news programs about the following:

“Kamala Harris is not running a presidential campaign. She is producing a movie,” Vance said. “Wherever she goes, everything is scripted. She is basically a fake person who changes her mind depending on the audience she is in front of.”

Reminds me of a song… Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleon
You come and go, you come and go…

…and I thought I was so original.

The media has become the story – California Globe

Kamala Harris is a fraud, she is a chameleon, she is insincere and she is shielded by the media because they know she is a disaster on every political issue that matters in the lives of the American people:

the economy, the border, the escalating crime epidemic, the fentanyl crisis, energy independence, strengthening the military, men in women’s sports, secure elections, parental rights, and curbing the highest inflation in 40 years.

Kamala Harris never discusses or addresses these important policy issues, yet these are the policies that will either keep America running or destroy it if sabotaged.

If people could meet Kamala, they would reject her. To quote another president, she is a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier.”

Over the weekend, Kamala Harris stole President Donald Trump’s promise to eliminate taxation on tips, which he first made over two months ago. CNBC claims she “equivalent to Trump’s proposal to ban taxation on tips.”

Now she’s promising to crack down on border security, Politico reported. “The vice president’s harsh remarks came at a rally in Arizona,” Politico reported (with a serious expression?).

What’s next? Will Kamala Harris promise to “make America great again”?

It has been 22 days since President Biden withdrew from the presidential race. Vice President Kamala Harris almost immediately secured the Democratic Party’s delegates and the party’s official nomination.

Harris has not given a single interview or a single press conference, but instead gives the audience the same rehearsed speech, the same talking points and platitudes.

For the left, this election is about maintaining power and thus also the media. For the right, this election is about saving America from socialism, Marxism and communism and making the USA a livable place again.

Many well-known experts believe that Kamala Harris lacks the skills to be president.

Nominating a San Francisco Democrat would have been possible only if Democrats hadn’t nominated her properly — in a primary where she would have been vetted. She had to be selected, deployed and then marketed, much like the delicious but unhealthy Cap’N Crunch cereal is marketed: “The lightly sweetened oatmeal is coated with a sweet oil to create the taste of brown sugar over rice,” say the marketers, but the cereal’s ingredients actually amount to saturated fat, monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, trans fat, sodium, sugar (16 g) and 30 g net carbs.

You’ve been lied to about the nutritional value of Cap’n Crunch and you’re being lied to about Kamala Harris.

In 2020, two days before the presidential election, vice presidential candidate “Comrade” Kamala Harris tweeted a new video promoting communism, the Globe reported.

The media obviously saw it.

Kamala Harris 2020 campaign ad.

“It’s about giving people the resources they need so that everyone has the same conditions and can compete on equal terms,” ​​she says. “Fair treatment means that we all end up at the same point.”

Vice Presidential candidate Harris tweets a campaign video calling for all Americans to start in the same place and end in the same place, which is “equality of outcomes” and the goal of communism. Look at how communism has affected the over 100 million people killed by communist leaders.

Why would Kamala Harris support communism? “Perfected” by evil dictators around the world, more than 100 million murders were committed by communist dictators such as Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, and even Che Guevara.

Free people are neither “equal” nor on “equal ground.” Most freedom-loving Americans prefer equal opportunity to “equal” outcomes.

The media saw their communism ad in 2020 and heard Harris’ oft-repeated phrase: “What can be, unburdened by what has been.”

“Kamala Harris’ most famous phrase, which she constantly repeats, is a Marxist (and Luciferian) incantation, and I am completely convinced that she knows it. The same goes for the reference to the ‘coconut tree,'” James Lindsay recently posted on X/Twitter. “This phrase, which she constantly repeats, is not mysterious. It is esoteric. That is to say, it is occult. It is a Marxist and Luciferian incantation, and that is easy to see.”

“She’s a very accomplished communist who hides her communism in seemingly idiotic Valley Girl slang,” Lindsay told American Family Radio host Jenna Ellis. “And you can’t see that she’s actually speaking absolute perfect communism, whether it’s her agenda for diversity, whether it’s her agenda for equality, whether it’s her agenda for making sure everyone ends up in the same place,” American Family News reported.

While far too many members of the US media are ignorant because they were trained in left-wing indoctrination centers at universities, not all are ignorant and should be aware of the dangers that arise when a US politician spreads Marxist and communist clichés during an election campaign for the highest office in America.

Pravda was created by the Soviet Union to report positively on the Soviet government; the American media readily does this, which makes our traditional media far more dangerous.

The California Globe has covered Kamala Harris extensively for many years. We have covered her politics since she was District Attorney of San Francisco, Attorney General of California and U.S. Senator from California. Her political career is an open book. Do the traditional media find her politics so distasteful that they must cover them to stay in power, or are they in tune with her left-wing views, Marxism and Communism?

In reality, the issue is that the left (traditional media and Democrats) agree with the policies of Marxism and Communism, but cannot openly show their support because the American people would throw them out on the streets for their anti-Americanism.

Instead, the traditional media is marketing for Kamala and has become a story in itself – Democrats and traditional media are now one and the same and are to the left of Bernie Sanders.

People who read alternative and right-wing media and watch cable and streaming news recognize that a government led by Kamala Harris and the equally Marxist vice presidential candidate Tim Walz would be a nightmare for free speech, warns constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley. “As vice president, Harris has long supported these anti-free speech policies.”

Kamala Harris has spent years telling us what her policies are: end any remaining energy independence, shut down free speech, make the Green New Deal a priority, and destroy the economy. Kamala Harris has said she wants to nationalize health care and pack the Supreme Court with left-wing justices.

She has always supported a government-run health insurance system that would destroy what was left of private health insurance after Obamacare did untold damage to health care in America.

The first clue to Harris is her campaign website – there is not a single policy issue listed there. Not a single one.

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign website lists 20 policy priorities.

However, traditional media propagandists would have us believe that Harris and Walz are all about creating jobs and cutting taxes.

The US media are now just as involved in the reporting as the candidates.

Read more of our articles about Kamala Harris:

Kamala Harris owns California’s hellscapes in third world cities

Eating with word salads: Is Kamala Harris out for lunch?

Senator Kamala Harris claimed she knew nothing about the sexual abuse case of a long-time staffer

Kamala Harris covers up sexual abuse in the Archdiocese of San Francisco

Democrats burdened their voters with a dementia patient – ​​then they realized that everyone in America already knew

Vice President Kamala Harris’s true record in California in the “war against Donald Trump”

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