
Express your support for Winn Room Renovation Option 4

Express your support for Winn Room Renovation Option 4

Submitted by Carl Luna

“Wake up! Fear! Fire! Enemies! Wake up!” (Fredegar Bolger, The Companions).

OK, that’s not as dramatic a call to action as Fredegar’s to his fellow hobbits (but when calling for action in support of the library, a literary reference is a cool introduction, right?). But it’s an important call nonetheless. After years of discussion and a year of committee work, the City Council appears to finally be addressing the proposed renovation of the Winn Room at its August 20 meeting. This is a pivotal moment for all those who a) value the library and the great programs that the library staff and administration provide to our community; and b) believe that our Coronado community should benefit from a fully renovated, state-of-the-art venue for community meetings, civic engagement, and programs that can fully meet the needs of the dozens of organizations and thousands of community members who will use the Winn Room annually for the next five decades and beyond.

Of the five options being considered for the Winn Room renovation (see for details), both the Friends of the Coronado Library and the Coronado Library Board of Directors voted in favor of Option 4.

  • Option 4 alone would expand the number of seats in the Winn Room from the current 130 to over 200 (the current professional standard for library community meeting spaces), allowing for larger, more comfortable, and more entertaining author talks, as well as cultural, social, and community events.
  • Option 4 raises the current low, claustrophobic ceiling and expands the room area, ensuring optimal sightlines and acoustics.
  • Option 4 allows Winn to make the most of North Spreckels Park’s tree-lined setting.
  • Option 4 provides the greatest long-term community value from renovation expenditures.
  • Option 4 is simply the best option to transform our 1970s Winn Room into a truly 21st Community room of the century.

Your attendance at the August 20th Council meeting to express your support for your library and Option 4 is critical. If you have not yet spoken in favor of Winn Room Option 4, this may be your last chance to do so! Copies of the meeting agendas are available at

With gratitude,
Carl Luna
President, Friends of the Coronado Public Library

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